Sunday, November 11, 2018
Bible Suck
- ...but intelligent people believe in God
- (Just for Fun) An idea for a TV drama series: Pagan Gods VS Christian Gods: Diana and Lucifer
- 5 Stunning Example of Bible treat women like ISIS
- A song that all Christian hate preachers should hear
- A video that make a great point why the bible is evil
- Atheism - A History of God (The Polytheistic Origins of Christianity and Judaism)
- Bible VS Anti-Christ : Which Is Really Better?
- Christian fanatics are just as danger as Islamic fanatics, we must have effective methods to de-radicalize them
- Christian heaven = real hell, Christian hell = real heaven
- Crappy (very likely abusive) Christian Boy Friend, get what he deserve
- DarkMatter 2525 Comedy: Trashing Yahweh & bible and making some great point on the way
- Evidence that prove Bible is as evil as ISIS & more evil than Taliban
- Evidence that suggest Roman persecuted Christian is one big lie
- Evil Christian Paster preach the mass murder of gays.
- Evil Mao ZeDong and the bible got more in common then you think
- Former Singapore Prime Minister warn of the growing danger of the Yahweh cult
- Girls, gods of Christianity is like a jealous boy friend that start sending you death threat for dumping him
- Hells Angel (Mother Teresa) - Christopher Hitchens
- If you support animal right, you should abandon the Christian god Yahweh
- Is Age of Enlightenment product of Confucius influence undermining Christian value?
- Is the United States really a Christian nation?
- Let Emoji tell you why you should worship Satan over Yahweh
- Noah's arch disproved
- Pagan Origins of Judaism
- Pagan religion commandment vs Christian commandment: Which is better
- President Thomas Jefferson on Christianity and the bible
- Richard Dawkins exploding at bullshit in the Bible
- Still think Yahweh isn't evil? Check out this short story from over 2000 years ago translated into modern English
- Ten Christian values we must never follow
- The Bible is disproved by Historians
- The bible saying Yahweh is always correct and is perfect, is setting a bad role model
- The Truth about witchcraft and why you should support it over Christ
- The western world got the highest rate of abuse to women, Christian value is partly to blame
- Why Gay people should leave Christianity and become Buddhists
- Why more and more historians believe Jesus never existed?
- Why real Bible Following Christians are more likely to be in hell right now?
- Why should we support Satan and Lucifer, over Christian god Yahweh
- Why women should worship Satan rather the Yahweh?
- Witches: A Century of Murder Part 1 of 2 (Witch Trial Documentary) | Timeline
Buddhist believe
Pagan Believes
- A Pagan ritual: How to communicate with the "REAL" Gods
- Atheism - A History of God (The Polytheistic Origins of Christianity and Judaism)
- Beautiful Pagan Weddings
- Is the symbol of the US President create in reference to the Egyptian God Horus?
- Scientific Evidence for Reincarnation by Dr Ian Stevenson
- The Greeks Who Pray to Zeus: VICE INTL (Greece)
- The Truth about witchcraft and why you should support it over Christ
- This ancient nordic funeral song is hauntingly beautiful